Sabtu, 25 Januari 2014

Kesultanan Deli

Negeri Kesultanan Deli
ﻛﺴﻠطﺎﻧﻦ دلي


 Istana Maimun

Ibukota Deli Tua, Labuhan Deli, Kota Medan
Bahasa Melayu
Agama Islam
Pemerintahan Monarki
 -  Didirikan 1630
 -  Revolusi Sosial 1946

Kesultanan Deli adalah sebuah kesultanan yang didirikan pada tahun 1669 oleh Tuanku Panglima Perunggit di wilayah bernama Tanah Deli (kini Medan, Indonesia).


Menurut Hikayat Deli, seorang pemuka Aceh bernama Muhammad Dalik berhasil menjadi laksamana dalam Kesultanan Aceh. Muhammad Dalik, yang kemudian juga dikenal sebagai Gocah Pahlawan dan bergelar Laksamana Khuja Bintan (ada pula sumber yang mengeja Laksamana Kuda Bintan), adalah keturunan dari Amir Muhammad Badar ud-din Khan, seorang bangsawan dari Delhi, India yang menikahi Putri Chandra Dewi, putri Sultan Samudera Pasai. Dia dipercaya Sultan Aceh untuk menjadi wakil bekas wilayah Kerajaan Haru yang berpusat di daerah sungai Lalang-Percut.
Dalik mendirikan Kesultanan Deli yang masih di bawah Kesultanan Aceh pada tahun 1630. Setelah Dalik meninggal pada tahun 1653, putranya Tuanku Panglima Perunggit mengambil alih kekuasaan dan pada tahun 1669 mengumumkan memisahkan kerajaannya dari Aceh. Ibu kotanya berada di Labuhan, kira-kira 20 km dari Medan.
Sebuah pertentangan dalam pergantian kekuasaan pada tahun 1720 menyebabkan pecahnya Deli dan dibentuknya Kesultanan Serdang. Setelah itu, Kesultanan Deli sempat direbut Kesultanan Siak Sri Indrapura dan Aceh.
Pada tahun 1858, Tanah Deli menjadi milik Belanda setelah Sultan Siak, Sultan Al-Sayyid Sharif Ismail, menyerahkan tanah kekuasaannya tersebut kepada mereka. Pada tahun 1861, Kesultanan Deli secara resmi diakui merdeka dari Siak maupun Aceh. Hal ini menyebabkan Sultan Deli bebas untuk memberikan hak-hak lahan kepada Belanda maupun perusahaan-perusahaan luar negeri lainnya. Pada masa ini Kesultanan Deli berkembang pesat. Perkembangannya dapat terlihat dari semakin kayanya pihak kesultanan berkat usaha perkebunan terutamanya tembakau dan lain-lain. Selain itu, beberapa bangunan peninggalan Kesultanan Deli juga menjadi bukti perkembangan daerah ini pada masa itu, misalnya Istana Maimun.
Kesultanan Deli masih tetap eksis hingga kini meski tidak lagi mempunyai kekuatan politik setelah berakhirnya Perang Dunia II dan diproklamasikannya kemerdekaan Indonesia.


Sultan Deli adalah penguasa Kesultanan Deli di Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Sultan Deli dipanggil dengan gelar Sri Paduka Tuanku Sultan. Jika mangkat, sang Sultan akan digantikan oleh putranya.
  1. Tuanku Panglima Gocah Pahlawan 1632-1669
  2. Tuanku Panglima Parunggit 1669-1698
  3. Tuanku Panglima Padrap 1698-1728
  4. Tuanku Panglima Pasutan 1728-1761
  5. Tuanku Panglima Gandar Wahid 1761-1805
  6. Sultan Amaluddin Mangendar 1805-1850
  7. Sultan Osman Perkasa Alam Shah 1850-1858
  8. Sultan Mahmud Al RasyidSultan Mahmud Al Rasyid 1858-1873
  9. Sultan Ma'moen Al Rasyid Sultan Ma'moen Al Rasyid 1873-1924
  10. Sultan Amaluddin Al Sani Perkasa Alamsyah Sultan Amaluddin Al Sani Perkasa Alamsyah 1924-1945
  11. Sultan Otteman II Perkasa Alam Shah.JPG Sultan Osman Al Sani Perkasa Alamsyah 1945-1967
  12. Sultan Azmi Perkasa Alam Shah.JPG Sultan Azmy Perkasa Alam Alhaj 1967-1998
  13. Sultan Otteman Mahmud Perkasa Alam Sultan Otteman Mahmud Perkasa Alam 5 Mei 199821 Juli 2005
  14. Sultan Mahmud Lamanjiji Perkasa Alam Sultan Mahmud Lamanjiji Perkasa Alam 22 Juli 2005–saat ini


Daftar Sultan Asahan

Sampai sekarang Kesultanan Asahan sudah memiliki 13 orang Sultan yang berkuasa, walaupun Sultan terakhir lebih merupakan Kepala Keluarga dari kerabat kerajaan yang masih ada. Sultan Asahan I, Sultan Abdul Jalil adalah putera Sultan Iskandar Muda dari Kesultanan Aceh yang menikah dengan Siti Ungu Putri Berinai (Siti Unai), puteri Raja Halib [al-Marhum Mankat di-Jambu], dari Pinangawan.[1]
Adapun daftar sultan di Asahan adalah sebagai berikut:

Sri Paduka Raja 'Abdu'l Jalil I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Iskandar Muda Johan Berdaulat (al-Marhum Tangkahan Sitarak) 1630 - 16xx Raja dan Yang di-Pertuan Asahan[1]
Sri Paduka Raja Said Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja 'Abdu'l Jalil (al-Marhum Simpang Tiga) 16xx - 17xx Raja dan Yang di-Pertuan Asahan.[1]
Sri Paduka Raja Muhammad Mahrum Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Said Shah (al-Marhum Gagap) 17xx - 1760 Raja dan Yang di-Pertuan Asahan.[1]
Sri Paduka Raja 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah II ibni al-Marhum Raja Muhammad Mahrum Shah (al-Marhum Mangkat di Sungei Raja) 1760 - 1765 Raja dan Yang di-Pertuan Asahan.[1]
Sri Paduka Raja Deva Shah ibni al-Marhum 'Abdu'l Jalil (al-Marhum Mangkat di Pasir Putih) 1765 - 1805 Raja dan Yang di-Pertuan Asahan.[1]
Sri Paduka Raja Said Musa Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Deva Shah (al-Marhum Mangkat di-Rantau Panjang) 1805 - 1808 Raja dan Yang di-Pertuan Negara Asahan.[1]
Sri Paduka Raja Muhammad 'Ali Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Deva Shah 1808 - 1813 Raja dan Yang di-Pertuan Negara Asahan.[1]
Sri Paduka Tuanku Sultan Muhammad Husain Rahmad Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad 'Ali Shah (al-Marhum Kampung Masjid) 1813 - 1859 Sultan dan Yang di-Pertuan Besar Asahan.[1]
Sri Paduka Tuanku Sultan Ahmad Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Husain Rahmad Shah 1859 - 1888 Sultan dan Yang di-Pertuan Besar Asahan.[1]
Sri Paduka Tuanku Al-Haji 'Abdu'llah Nikmatu'llah Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Muhammad Ishak 1865 - 1867 Raja Kualuh dan Leidong dan Yang di-Pertuan Muda Asahan.[1]
11 Sultan Muhammad Husain Rahmad Shah Sri Paduka Tuanku Sultan Muhammad Husain Rahmad Shah II ibni al-Marhum Tengku Muhammad 'Adil 1888 - 1915 Sultan dan Yang di-Pertuan Asahan.[1]
12 'Abdu'l Jalil Rahmad Shah III Sri Paduka Tuanku Sultan Sha'ibun 'Abdu'l Jalil Rahmad Shah III ibnu al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Husain 1915 - 1980 Sultan dan Yang di-Pertuan Besar Asahan.[1]
13 Sultan Kamal Abraham Abdul Jalil Rahmadsjah Sri Paduka Tuanku Sultan Dr. Kamal Abraham Abdul Jalil Rahmadsjah ibnu al-Marhum Sultan Sa'ibun Abdul Jalil Rahmadsjah 1980 - kini Sultan dan Yang di-Pertuan Besar Asahan.



Kesultanan Asahan

Negeri Kesultanan Asahan
ﻛﺴﻠﺘﺎﻧﻦ اسهن



Ibukota Tanjung Balai
Bahasa Melayu
Agama Islam
Pemerintahan Monarki
 -  Didirikan 1630
 -  Revolusi Sosial 1946

Kesultanan Asahan berdiri tahun 1630 di wilayah yang sekarang menjadi Kabupaten Asahan, Kabupaten Batubara, Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Utara, Kabupaten Labuhanbatu, dan Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Selatan. Kesultanan ini ditundukkan Belanda pada tahun 1865. Kerajaan ini melebur ke dalam negara Indonesia pada tahun 1946.
Raja Abdul Jalil, Sultan pertama Asahan merupakan putra Sultan Iskandar Muda. Asahan menjadi bawahan Aceh sampai awal abad ke-19.


Awal mula

Perjalanan Sultan Aceh, Sultan Iskandar Muda ke Johor dan Malaka tahun 1612 dapat dikatakan sebagai awal dari sejarah Asahan. Dalam perjalanan tersebut, rombongan Sultan Iskandar Muda beristirahat di kawasan sebuah hulu sungai yang kemudian dinamakan Asahan. Perjalanan dilanjutkan ke sebuah "Tanjung" yang merupakan pertemuan antara sungai Asahan dengan sungai Silau, kemudian bertemu dengan Raja Simargolang. Di tempat itu juga Sultan Iskandar Muda mendirikan sebuah pelataran sebagai "Balai" untuk tempat menghadap, yang kemudian berkembang menjadi perkampungan. Perkembangan daerah ini cukup pesat sebagai pusat pertemuan perdagangan dari Aceh dan Malaka, sekarang ini dikenal dengan "Tanjung Balai".[1]

Sultan pertama

Dari hasil perkawinan Sultan Iskandar Muda dengan Siti Ungu Selendang Bulan, anak dari Raja Pinang Awan yang bergelar “Marhum Mangkat di Jambu” lahirlah seorang putera yang bernama Abdul Jalil yang menjadi cikal bakal dari kesultanan Asahan. Abdul Jalil dinobatkan menjadi Sultan Asahan I. Pemerintahan kesultanan Asahan dimulai tahun 1630 yaitu sejak dilantiknya Sultan Asahan yang I s/d XI.[1]
Asahan adalah kerajaan kecil yang menjadi bawahan Aceh, maka secara otomatis, struktur kekuasaan tertinggi berada di tangan Sultan Aceh. Di daerah Asahan sendiri, terlepas dari relasinya dengan Aceh, kekuasaan tertinggi berada di tangan Sultan, yang bergelar Yang Dipertuan Besar/Sri Paduka Raja. Jabatan yang lebih rendah adalah Yang Dipertuan Muda. Untuk daerah Kawasan Batubara dan kawasan yang lebih kecil, pemerintahan dijalankan oleh para datuk.[2]

Dikuasai oleh Belanda

Pada tanggal 12 September 1865, kesultanan Asahan berhasil dikuasai Belanda. Sejak itu, kekuasaan pemerintahan dipegang oleh Belanda. Kekuasaan pemerintahan Belanda di Asahan/Tanjung Balai dipimpin oleh seorang Kontroler, yang diperkuat dengan Gouverments Besluit tanggal 30 September 1867, Nomor 2 tentang pembentukan Afdeling Asahan yang berkedudukan di Tanjung Balai dan pembagian wilayah pemerintahan dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu:[1]
  1. Onder Afdeling Batubara
  2. Onder Afdeling Asahan
  3. Onder Afdeling Labuhan Batu

Sultan Asahan

Sampai sekarang Kesultanan Asahan sudah memiliki 13 orang Sultan yang berkuasa, walaupun Sultan terakhir lebih merupakan Kepala Keluarga dari kerabat kerajaan yang masih ada. Sultan Asahan I, Sultan Abdul Jalil adalah putera Sultan Iskandar Muda dari Kesultanan Aceh yang menikah dengan Siti Ungu Putri Berinai (Siti Unai), puteri Raja Halib (al-Marhum Mankat di-Jambu), dari Pinangawan.[3]

 Sultan Muhammad Husain Rahmad Shah II (memerintah 1888-1915)

Kehidupan Sosial Budaya

Sebagai kesultanan yang berada dalam pengaruh kebuadayaan Islam, maka di Asahan juga berkembang kehidupan keagamaan yang cukup baik. Bahkan, ada seorang ulama terkenal yang lahir dari Asahan, yaitu Syeikh Abdul Hamid. Ia lahir tahun 1880 (1298 H), dan wafat pada 18 Februari 1951 (10 Rabiul Awal 1370 H). Datuk, nenek dan ayahnya berasal dari Talu, Minangkabau. Syekh Abdul hamid belajar agama di Mekkah, karena itu, ia sangat disegani oleh para ulama zaman itu.[2]
Dalam perkembangannya, murid-murid Syekh Abdul Hamid inilah yang kelak mendirikan organisasi Jamiyyatul Washliyyah. Sebuah organisasi yang berbasis pada aliran sunni dan mazhab Syafi'i. Dalam banyak hal, organisasi ini memiliki persamaan dengan Persatuan Tarbiyah Islamiyah (PERTI) yang didirikan oleh para ulama Minangkabau. Adanya banyak persamaan ini, karena memang para ulama tersebut saling bersahabat baik sejak mereka menuntut ilmu di Mekkah. Pandangan para tokoh agama ini sangat berbeda dengan paham reformis yang dibawa oleh para ulama muda Minangkabau, seperti Dr. Haji Abdul Karim Amrullah. Oleh sebab itu, sering terjadi polemik di antara para pengikut kedua paham yang berbeda ini.[2]
Di paruh pertama abad ke-20, sekitar tahun 1916, di Asahan telah berdiri sebuah sekolah yang disebut Madrasah Ulumul Arabiyyah. Sebagai direktur pertama, ditunjuk Syekh Abdul Hamid. Dalam perjalanannya, madrasah Ulumul Arabiyah ini kemudian berkembang menjadi salah satu pusat pendidikan Islam yang penting di Asahan, bahkan termasuk di antara madrasah yang terkenal di Sumatera Utara, sebanding dengan Madrasah Islam Stabat, Langkat, Madrasah Islam Binjai dan Madrasah al-Hasaniyah Medan. Di antara ulama terkenal lulusan sekolah Asahan ini adalah Syeikh Muhammad Arsyad Thalib Lubis (1908-1972).[2]
Peninggalan tertulis warisan Kerajaan Asahan hanya berkaitan dengan buku-buku di bidang keagamaan yang dikarang oleh para ulama untuk kepentingan pengajaran. Berikut ini beberapa buah buku yang dikarang oleh Syeikh Abdul Hamid di Asahan, yaitu:
  1. Ad-Durusul Khulasiyah
  2. Al-Mathalibul Jamaliyah
  3. Al-Mamlakul `Arabiyah.
  4. Nujumul Ittiba.
  5. Tamyizut Taqlidi Minal Ittiba.
  6. Al-Ittiba.
  7. Al-Mufradat.
  8. Mi`rajun Nabi.



Arca Nusantara 10 (Habis)

Arca Candi SINGOSARI : Pradnya Paramitha

Jenis : Arca Pendharmaan Raja
Nama : Prameswari KENDEDES sebagai PRADNYA PARAMITHA
Asal : Candi SINGOSARI, Malang – JAWA TIMUR
Era : Kerajaan SINGHASARI, abad ke-13
Material : Batu Andesit
Koleksi :
Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat no.12,
Jakarta Pusat, DKI JAKARTA 10110
DIAKUI SEBAGAI PRADNYA PARAMITA YANG TERCANTIK DI DUNIA. (Wah kalah sudah MISS INDONESIA sama reputasi arca ini ya !!!). Lihat detail ukirannya, sampai motif kainnya yang lembut mampu di ekspresikan …… IT IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD lah !!!
Sempat berkelana di MUSEUM LEIDEN – BELANDA, tetapi sudah dikembalikan ke Indonesia di masa pemerintahan Presiden SOEHARTO bersama naskah NEGARAKRETAGAMA. Saat ini menjadi koleksi MUSEUM NASIONAL INDONESIA – Jakarta.
Lokasi dari asli dari arca ini adalah di Candi Singosari, Kecamatan Singosari, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur. Sebagian sejarahwan menduga bahwa arca ini adalah pengarcaan dari KENDEDES (Prameswari Kerajaan Singhasari) yang terkenal cantik jelita.


Arca Nusantara 9

Arca HAPSARI, Era Kerajaan MAJAPAHIT Abad Ke-14

Jenis : Arca Emas
Era : Perkiraan abad ke-14, Kerajaan Majapahit
Asal : Jawa Timur
Material : Emas
Saya tidak memperoleh data yang jelas atas “Arca Emas HAPSARI era MAJAPAHIT” ini, ada yang bilang sudah berhasil dipulangkan ke Indonesia di Museum Nasional Jakarta. Tapi ada juga rekan yang bilang pernah melihat arca ini ada di museum Berlin atau Amsterdam. Semoga ada konfirmasi dari rekan2 di Museum Nasional atas keberadaannya.

Arca SUTASOMA, Era Kerajaan MAJAPAHIT Abad ke-14

Jenis : Arca Emas
Era : Perkiraan abad ke-14, Kerajaan Majapahit
Asal : Jawa Timur
Material : Emas
Koleksi :
Linnaeusstraat 2, 1092 CK Amsterdam

Arca DEWA WISNU, Era Kerajaan MAJAPAHIT Abad Ke-14

Jenis : Arca Emas
Era : Kerajaan Majapahit, abad ke-14
Asal : Jawa Timur
Material : Emas
Koleksi :
Museum Eropa (namanya dirahasiakan) yang dalam
negoisasi dengan Kolektor Pribadi – USA

Arca GANESHA, Era Kerajaan SINGHASARI Abad Ke-12

Jenis : Arca Emas
Era : Perkiraan abad ke-12, Kerajaan Singhasari
Material : Emas
Asal : Jawa Timur
Koleksi :
Kolektor Pribadi yang dirahasiakan namanya – USA

Arca GARUDHA MUKHA, Era Kerajaan KAHURIPAN Abad Ke-10

Jenis : Arca Emas
Era : Perkiraan abad ke-10, Kerajaan Kahuripan
Asal : Jawa Timur
Material : Emas
Melihat ornamennya yang lengkap sesuai cerita GARUDHA MUKHA dan model hiasannya, saya meyakini arca ini dibuat di era Kerajaan Kahuripan pada abad ke-10 / 11. Sebab ketika era KADIRI dan SINGHASARI, ornamen KURA-KURA tidak digunakan lagi.
Koleksi :
421 North Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA – USA
Gold Sculpture of Vishnu Riding on the Shoulders of Garuda – CK.0051
Origin: Indonesia
Circa: 900 AD to 1300 AD
Dimensions: 7.25″ (18.4cm) high x 3.5″ (8.9cm) wide 989 Grams
Collection: Asian
Style: Javanese
Medium: Gold


Arca Nusantara 8


Jenis : Arca Pendharmaan Raja
Nama : Raja ANUSHAPATI sebagai SYIWA
Asal : Candi KIDAL, Malang – JAWA TIMUR
Era : Kerajaan SINGHASARI, abad ke-13
Material : Batu Andesit
Koleksi :
Linnaeusstraat 2, 1092 CK Amsterdam
Data Museum :
Inventory number : A-5950
Dating : ca 1260
Dimensions : approximately 123cm (48 7/16in.)
Origin : Singasari, Jawa, Indonesia
Stone statue of the god Shiva
The picture may have come from the temple Candi Kidal and probably represents Anushapati (1227-1248), a king of Singhasari, as an incarnation of the god Shiva. This prince died in 1248. It was customary twelve years after the death of a prince to dedicate his temple. The position of the two arms is typical of images that deceased proposals and symbolizes liberation from the cycle of rebirths. The prayer beads and brush the flies are two attributes of the god Shiva. Besides his two god growing up seeing lotus plants, symbols of the dynasty Singosari. The Majapahit dynasty later as a symbol lotus plants in a pot.


Jenis : Arca Emas
Material : Emas
Era : Perkiraan abad ke 9, Kerajaan Mataram Kuno
Asal : Jawa Tengah
Koleksi :
421 North Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA – USA
Keterangan Gallery :
Indonesian Gold Sculpture of a Deity – CK.0160
Origin: Indonesia
Circa: 900 AD to 1300 AD
Dimensions: 4″ (10.2cm) high x 2.25″ (5.7cm) wide
Collection: Asian Art
Medium: Gold
Location: United States
Like much of Southeast Asia, the island of Java (today a part of the archipelago nation of Indonesia) has historically been highly influenced by Indian civilization. The religions of Hinduism and Buddhism, both originating from the subcontinent, were the vehicles through which Indian culture spread across Java and the greater archipelago region. However, due to its location near the strategic Straights of Malacca, one of the most important maritime routes in the world, Java was also exposed to many other cultural influences. As Buddhism began to spread in China, Chinese pilgrims would often stop in Java en route to the holy sites in India. Like other cultures exposed to foreign influences, the Javanese did not practice wholesale assimilation, but instead opted to pick and choose certain elements that appealed to their tastes, incorporating them into their own culture, while altogether ignoring other aspects.
Before the spread of Islam into the archipelago beginning in the 13th century and the rise of various Muslim states in the following centuries, Hinduism and Buddhism flourished in Java and beyond. Even after the majority of Java converted to Islam, certain Hindu customs and beliefs persisted among the greater population. While Hinduism and Buddhism share several similarities, the type practiced in Java was syncretic, combining certain features with native traditions. Hindu and Buddhist maritime kingdoms began to emerge on the archipelago at the end of the first millennium. Srivijaya was perhaps the most dominant. Although based in Sumatra, the Srivijaya Kingdom was allied with the Buddhist Saliendra Dynasty (the builders of Borobudur, the largest Buddhist structure in the world) who controlled Java. As the power of the Saliendras began to wane, a rival Indianized kingdom began to take over. Known as the Matarams, from their base in Central Java, this kingdom quickly rose to prominence, becoming a serious rival to Srivijaya hegemony. – (CK.0160)

Arca DEWA SYIWA, Era Kerajaan SINGHASARI Abad Ke-13

Jenis : Arca Emas
Material : Emas
Era : Diperkirakan abad ke 9 – abad 13
Asal : Jawa Timur, Kerajaan Singhasari
Koleksi :
421 North Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA – USA
Keterangan Gallery :
Indonesian Gold Sculpture of Shiva – CK.0158
Origin: Indonesia
Circa: 900 AD to 1300 AD
Dimensions: 8.75″ (22.2cm) high x 2.5″ (6.4cm) wide
Collection: Asian Art
Medium: Gold
Location: United States
Like much of Southeast Asia, the island of Java (today a part of the archipelago nation of Indonesia) has historically been highly influenced by Indian civilization. The religions of Hinduism and Buddhism, both originating from the subcontinent, were the vehicles through which Indian culture spread across Java and the greater archipelago region. However, due to its location near the strategic Straights of Malacca, one of the most important maritime routes in the world, Java was also exposed to many other cultural influences. As Buddhism began to spread in China, Chinese pilgrims would often stop in Java en route to the holy sites in India. Like other cultures exposed to foreign influences, the Javanese did not practice wholesale assimilation, but instead opted to pick and choose certain elements that appealed to their tastes, incorporating them into their own culture, while altogether ignoring other aspects.
Before the spread of Islam into the archipelago beginning in the 13th century and the rise of various Muslim states in the following centuries, Hinduism and Buddhism flourished in Java and beyond. Even after the majority of Java converted to Islam, certain Hindu customs and beliefs persisted among the greater population. While Hinduism and Buddhism share several similarities, the type practiced in Java was syncretic, combining certain features with native traditions. Hindu and Buddhist maritime kingdoms began to emerge on the archipelago at the end of the first millennium.

Arca BUDHA GAUTAMA SAKYAMUNI, Jawa Timur Abad Ke 11-14

Jenis : Arca Emas berlapik Perunggu
Material : Emas, Perunggu dan Batu Mulia
Era : Diperkirakan abad ke 11 – abad 14
Asal : Jawa Timur
Koleksi :
421 North Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA – USA
Keterangan Gallery :
Indonesian Gold Sculpture of Buddha with a Bronze Base – CK.0110
Origin: Indonesia
Circa: 11 th Century AD to 14 th Century AD
Dimensions: 13.25″ (33.7cm) high x 5.25″ (13.3cm) wide
Collection: Asian Art
Medium: Gold, Bronze, Ruby
Location: United States
Like much of Southeast Asia, the island of Java (today a part of the archipelago nation of Indonesia) has historically been highly influenced by Indian civilization. The religions of Hinduism and Buddhism, both originating from the subcontinent, were the vehicles through which Indian culture spread across Java and the greater archipelago region. However, due to its location near the strategic Straights of Malacca, one of the most important maritime routes in the world, Java was also exposed to many other cultural influences. As Buddhism began to spread in China, Chinese pilgrims would often stop in Java en route to the holy sites in India. Like other cultures exposed to foreign influences, the Javanese did not practice wholesale assimilation, but instead opted to pick and choose certain elements that appealed to their tastes, incorporating them into their own culture, while altogether ignoring other aspects.
Before the spread of Islam into the archipelago beginning in the 13th century and the rise of various Muslim states in the following centuries, Hinduism and Buddhism flourished in Java and beyond. Even after the majority of Java converted to Islam, certain Hindu customs and beliefs persisted among the greater population. While Hinduism and Buddhism share several similarities, the type practiced in Java was syncretic, combining certain features with native traditions. Hindu and Buddhist maritime kingdoms began to emerge on the archipelago at the end of the first millennium. Srivijaya was perhaps the most dominant. Although based in Sumatra, the Srivijaya Kingdom was allied with the Buddhist Saliendra Dynasty (the builders of Borobudur, the largest Buddhist structure in the world) who controlled Java. As the power of the Saliendras began to wane, a rival Indianized kingdom began to take over. Known as the Matarams, from their base in Central Java, this kingdom quickly rose to prominence, becoming a serious rival to Srivijaya hegemony.
The historical figure, Buddha Gautama Sakyamuni is the Buddha of compassion who, having achieved the highest evolutionary perfection, turns suffering into happiness for all living beings. Born around 560 B.C. somewhere between the hills of south Nepal and the Rapti river, his father was a Raja who ruled over the northeastern province of India, the district including the holy Ganges River. The young prince was married to Yashoda when he was about 17 years old and together they had a son named Rahula. At the age of 29, he left his life of luxury, as he felt compelled to purify his body and make it an instrument of the mind by ridding himself of earthly impulses and temptations. – (CK.0110)


Arca Nusantara 7

Arca Bocah Majapahit, Abad Ke-14, Jawa Timur

Jenis : Arca Perunggu
Era : Abad Ke-14, Kerajaan Majapahit
Material : Perunggu
Asal : Jawa Timur
Koleksi :
1000 5th Avenue, New York, NY – USA
Data Museum :
Image of a Noble Boy
Period: Eastern Javanese period, Majapahit kingdom
Date: 14th century
Culture: Indonesia (Java)
Medium: Bronze
Dimensions: H. (without base) 5 7/16 in. (13.8 cm)
Classification: Sculpture
Credit Line: Samuel Eilenberg Collection, Gift of Samuel Eilenberg, 1987
Accession Number: 1987.142.199
This artwork is currently on display in Gallery 247

Arca Penghias Tiang, Abad Ke-14 Era Majapahit, Jawa Timur

Jenis : Arca Tembikar
Era : Abad ke-14, Kerajaan Majapahit
Material : Tembikar
Asal : Jawa Timur
Koleksi :
1000 5th Avenue, New York, NY – USA
Data Museum :
Column Surround with Pensive Woman
Period: Eastern Javanese period, Majapahit kingdom
Date: 14th–15th century
Culture: Indonesia (Java)
Medium: Terracotta
Dimensions: H. 10 3/4 in. (27.3 cm)
Classification: Sculpture
Credit Line: Gift of Marie-Hélène and Guy Weill, in memory of William Wolff, 1992
Accession Number: 1992.151
This artwork is currently on display in Gallery 247
Di era Majapahit dikenal sebagai masyarakat bercita seni tinggi, hal ini dibuktikan dengan banyak ragamnya artefak peninggalannya. Masyarakat Majapahit dikenal sebagai pembangun ulung di bidang perumahan dan perkotaannya, senantiasa membuat maket kecil dari tembikar sebelum melaksanakan pembangunannya (agar para pengambil keputusan mempunyai gambaran lebih riil tentang bangunan yang direncanakan). Tipikal rumah Jawa adalah bermodel Joglo dengan banyak tiang, tiang-tiang yang bersifat kaku dan monoton berusaha diperlunak dengan memberi pembungkus berupa arca ornamental berbahan tembikar. Biasanya arca yang satu dengan yang lain berbeda, karena dibuat menjadi semacam rangkaian cerita (seperti halnya relief pada candi-candi).

Arca Kepala Dewi, Abad Ke-9 Jawa Tengah

Jenis : Arca Batu
Material : Batu andesit
Era : Abad ke-9
Asal : Jawa Tengah
Koleksi :
1000 5th Avenue, New York, NY – USA
Data Museum :
Head of a Deity
Period: Central Javanese period
Date: second half of the 9th century
Culture: Indonesia (Java)
Medium: Andesite
Dimensions: H. 6 7/8 in. (17.5 cm)
Classification: Sculpture
Credit Line: Samuel Eilenberg Collection, Gift of Samuel Eilenberg, 1987
Accession Number: 1987.142.285
This artwork is not on display



Jenis : Arca Pendharmaan Raja
Asal :
Situs BHRE KAHURIPAN, Desa Panggih,
Kecamatan Trowulan, Kabupaten Mojokerto
Jawa Timur
Era : Kerajaan Majapahit, abad ke-14
Koleksi :
1000 5th Avenue, New York, NY – USA
Data Museum :
Posthumous Portrait of a Queen as Parvati
Period: Eastern Javanese period
Date: 14th century
Culture: Indonesia (Java)
Medium: Andesite
Dimensions: H. 80 in. (203.2 cm); W. 3 ft. 3 in. (99.1 cm)
Classification: Sculpture
Credit Line: Purchase, 2000 Benefit Fund, 2001
Accession Number: 2001.407
This artwork is currently on display in Gallery 247
Kings and queens were believed to have a divine origin, being human incarnations of gods on earth. It was thought that they were reunited at death with the deities from whom they originated. Posthumous commemorative royal portraits such as this one celebrate that moment coinciding with death when the temporal ruler is reintegrated with the original deity. In this case, an as yet unidentified historical queen is depicted as the Hindu goddess Parvati, the consort of Shiva.
She stands on Shiva’s vehicle, the bull Nandi, and is flanked by her two children. Standing in an unusual yogic pose is Ganesha, the potbellied, elephant-headed god who controls obstacles; seated is Karttikeya, the god of war and general of the army of the gods.
Dalam Serat PARARATON, SRI TRIBHUWANATUNGGADEWI MAHARAJASA JAYAWISNUWARDHANI meninggal pada tahun 1371 dan di candikan di Candi Pantapura dan diarcakan sebagai Dewi Parwati, di Desa Panggih, Kecamatan Trowulan, Kabupaten Mojokerto, Jawa Timur. Tetapi apabila anda mengunjungi lokasi tersebut, tidak akan menemukan candinya karena berubah menjadi bangunan baru. Karenanya sekarang disebut dengan “Situs BHRE KAHURIPAN”, dimana lokasi tersebut menyimpan salah satu LINGGA – YONI utama kerajaan, tetapi untuk patung pendharmaan tidak ada, yang tertinggal hanya batu lapik dari arca (pada waktu saya kecil, di sampaikan oleh penjaga lokasi kalau arca pendharmaan belum selesai dibuat dan baru selesai lapiknya saja). Setelah dewasa. saya berpikir ulang apakah untuk RANI yang sangat dihormati di Majapahit mereka tidak mempunyai persiapan dan penghormatan yang cukup, hingga arcanya belum jadi ??? Ternyata arca tersebut adalah arca pada gambar di atas, yang telah berpindah lokasi jauh sekali : Amerika Serikat. Saya sendiri cukup heran, karena tidak ada benang merah sejarah antara Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat di masa lalu. Mungkin arca ini di bawa Belanda pada era kolonial ke Eropa, kemudian berpindah tangan ke Museum di Amerika Serikat. Selain di candikan di Trowulan beliau juga di candikan di Candi RIMBI.



Arca Nusantara 6


Jenis : Arca Emas
Era : Abad Ke-9, Kerajaan MATARAM KUNO
Asal : Jawa Tengah
Material : Emas
Koleksi :
421 North Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA – USA
Keterangan Gallery :
Indonesian Gold Sculpture of a Deity – CK.0159
Origin: Indonesia
Circa: 900 AD to 1300 AD
Dimensions: 4.125″ (10.5cm) high x 2″ (5.1cm) wide
Collection: Asian Art
Medium: Gold
Like much of Southeast Asia, the island of Java (today a part of the archipelago nation of Indonesia) has historically been highly influenced by Indian civilization. The religions of Hinduism and Buddhism, both originating from the subcontinent, were the vehicles through which Indian culture spread across Java and the greater archipelago region. However, due to its location near the strategic Straights of Malacca, one of the most important maritime routes in the world, Java was also exposed to many other cultural influences. As Buddhism began to spread in China, Chinese pilgrims would often stop in Java en route to the holy sites in India. Like other cultures exposed to foreign influences, the Javanese did not practice wholesale assimilation, but instead opted to pick and choose certain elements that appealed to their tastes, incorporating them into their own culture, while altogether ignoring other aspects.
Before the spread of Islam into the archipelago beginning in the 13th century and the rise of various Muslim states in the following centuries, Hinduism and Buddhism flourished in Java and beyond. Even after the majority of Java converted to Islam, certain Hindu customs and beliefs persisted among the greater population. While Hinduism and Buddhism share several similarities, the type practiced in Java was syncretic, combining certain features with native traditions. Hindu and Buddhist maritime kingdoms began to emerge on the archipelago at the end of the first millennium. Srivijaya was perhaps the most dominant. Although based in Sumatra, the Srivijaya Kingdom was allied with the Buddhist Saliendra Dynasty (the builders of Borobudur, the largest Buddhist structure in the world) who controlled Java. As the power of the Saliendras began to wane, a rival Indianized kingdom began to take over. Known as the Matarams, from their base in Central Java, this kingdom quickly rose to prominence, becoming a serious rival to Srivijaya hegemony. – (CK.0159)

Arca Bethari Durga, Abad Ke-8 Jawa Tengah

Jenis : Arca Emas
Era : Abad Ke-8
Asal : Jawa Tengah
Koleksi :
Museum di Eropa ????? dan dalam proses lelang dengan data : Lot 290, rare gold figure of Durga, Indonesia, Central Java, 8th/9th Century, 3 1/4 inches high
Some of the other Solley properties in the auction are much more diminutive but no less stunning. Lot 290, for example, is a rare gold figure of Durga that is only 3 1/4 inches high. The very finely cast statue from Central Java in Indonesia, circa 8th/9th Century, is standing on a buffalo holding a dagger and backed by a delicate ovoid nimbus. The lot has a modest estimate of $10,000 to $15,000. It sold for $26,400.

Kereta & Kusir, Abad Ke-15 Era Majapahit, Jawa Timur

Jenis : Arca Perunggu
Era : Abad Ke-15, Kerajaan Majapahit
Material : Perunggu
Asal : Jawa Timur
Koleksi :
1000 5th Avenue, New York, NY – USA
Data Museum :
Pull Toy of a Cart and Driver
Period: Majapahit kingdom
Date: ca. 15th century
Culture: Indonesia (East Java)
Medium: Bronze
Dimensions: H. 10 11/16 in. (27.2 cm)
Classification: Sculpture
Credit Line: Samuel Eilenberg Collection, Gift of Samuel Eilenberg, 1987
Accession Number: 1987.142.261a–c
This artwork is currently on display in Gallery 247
Bronze and terracotta wheeled objects, probably intended to be children’s toys, are found in many cultures—the early art of India, for example, is rich in such material. It is assumed that when made from the more costly bronze, the toys were for children of the upper classes.
Bronze toys with wheels and axles from the Eastern Javanese period usually take the form of horses and riders or rams and other animals. Representations of carts and drivers are uncommon but probably once existed in some numbers. In this example, the cart, faithfully reproduced from some original, is carefully modeled, but the driver is represented in a curiously cursory fashion. His dress and hairstyle indicate his humble origins, and his cap (or pigtail) and long pointed nose give him the look of a character from the Javanese shadow-puppet world. The significance of the short object in his right hand and of the longer one held in his left and extending beyond his elbows is unclear. The charm of the object is as apparent to us today as it must have been to its original owner.

Arca Yoga Tantra, Abad Ke-15 Era Majapahit, Jawa Timur

Jenis : Arca Perunggu
Era : Abad Ke-15, Kerajaan Majapahit
Material : Perunggu
Asal : Jawa Timur
Koleksi :
1000 5th Avenue, New York, NY – USA
Data Museum :
Seated Female Ascetic
Period: Eastern Javanese period, Majapahit kingdom
Date: 15th–16th century
Culture: Indonesia (Java)
Medium: Bronze
Dimensions: H. 6 5/8 in. (16.8 cm)
Classification: Sculpture
Credit Line: Gift of Dr. Victoria Chan-Palay, 1997
Accession Number: 1997.435
This artwork is currently on display in Gallery 247
Small bronze sculptures of women and children were produced in some number during the Majapahit period. The function of these objects remains unclear. They may have been used as dolls, or as substitutes for certain individuals in magical rituals or other ceremonies. Her thin arms and shaved head suggest that this figure may represent an ascetic. She is seated with left leg folded beneath her, and wears a sarong, serpentine armlets, and a necklace with leaf-shaped pendants and bands around her wrists and ankles. She has a serene expression, heavy-lidded downcast eyes, and prominent arched eyebrows.


Arca Nusantara 5

Arca BUDHA Shakyamuni, Abad Ke-8, Jawa Tengah

Jenis : Arca Perunggu
Era : Abad Ke-8
Material : Perunggu
Asal : Jawa Tengah
Koleksi :
The Bavarian State Museum of Ethnology
(Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde)
Maximilianstraße 42, D-80538 München
Data Museum :
Standing Buddha Shakyamuni
SMV 30-1-7
Type: Sculpture
Materials: Bronze cast by lost wax process
Measurements: 19 cm
Creator name: Unknown
Where it was made: Indonesia; Central Java
Time period: 08th Century
Function: Object of worship and meditation
Acquired by exchange from another museum
in 1930.
Copyright Acknowledgements:
Owner: State Property, Germany
Museum: State Museum of Ethnology, Munich, Bavaria
Credit line: State Museum of Ethnology, Munich, Germany
Why this is a masterpiece:
This figure of a standing Buddha shows the influence of the school of sculpture of Buddhapad, a small town situated at the mouth of the Krishna river not far from Amaravati in Andhra Pradesh, India.
The Buddhapad Buddhas are related in style to the Buddhas of Amaravati but with a strong Gupta influence and they exerted a salient influence on the bronze sculpture of Mainland Southeast Asia and Indonesia.
Although our example shows all the characteristics of the style of Buddhapad, the figure seems to be more slender and refined. It is an excellent example of the adaptation and refinement of traditional Indian art forms in the local
context of Central Java.
History of the Object:
The figure was collected by A.H. Smissaert, who was Resident of Yogyakarta from 1823 to 1825. It was bought in 1830 by the Museum of Antiquities in Leiden and was first described in 1842 and again in 1885 by C. Leemans, the director of that museum. In 1903 it was taken over by the National Museum of Ethnology in Leiden. In mid-January 1930 the Leiden museum gave it to our museum in exchange for four vessels from Peru.

Arca Penunggang Gajah, Abad Ke 14 – 15 Era Kerajaan MAJAPAHIT, Jawa Timur

Jenis : Arca Perunggu
Era : Abad Ke 14 – 15, Kerajaan Majapahit
Material : Perunggu
Asal : Jawa Timur
Fungsi : Lampu Minyak
Koleksi :
The Masterpieces and Infocentre
(The New Rijksmuseum)
Jan Luijkenstraat 1, 1071 CJ Amsterdam
Data Museum :
Bronze oil lamp shaped as an elephant with rider
Type: Sculpture
Materials: bronze
Measurements: 12.3 cm, 20.5 cm, 24.9 cm
Creator name: anonymous
Where it was made: Indonesia
Time period: 14th Century – 15th Century
Function: oil lamp
Long-term loan from the Association of Friends of Asian Art (VVAK), acquired from the estate of F.L. Broekveldt in 1940
Owner: Vereniging van Vrienden der Aziatische Kunst
Museum: Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Credit line
Why this is a masterpiece:
The wick of this oil lamp emerged from the elephant’s trunk and its massive body served as the reservoir for the oil. The animal and its rider are imaginatively represented, the elephant with its accoladeshaped
ears edged with meanders and bushy eyebrows. This oil
lamp shows an ascetic riding the strongest animal in the world, the elephant, without having to use a hook. He is seated loosely on the giant animal’s back, using nothing other than his mental powers to ride it.
History of the Object:
The playful way the animal is represented demonstrates the liveliness of bronze art in 14th- and 15th-century Java. The striking rider is an ascetic. At the time, ascetics played an important role – they had gained supernatural powers and were hence able to perform supernatural deeds and even become immortal. Practicing ascetics was therefore encouraged.

Arca Kepala Jina (Budha), Abad Ke 8 – 9 Borobudur, Jawa Tengah

Jenis : Arca Batu
Era : Abad Ke 8 – 9
Material : Batu Andesite
Asal : Borobudur, Jawa Tengah
Koleksi :
The Bavarian State Museum of Ethnology
(Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde)
Maximilianstraße 42, D-80538 München
Data Museum :
Head of Jina – SMV VIII.459
Type: Sculpture
Materials: Volcanic stone (Trachyt)
Measurements: 36 cm
Creator name: Unknown
Where it was made: Indonesia; Central Java; Borobudur
Time period: 08th Century – 09th Century
The Jinas of the famous Buddhist monument of Borobudur in Central Java are objects of worship and meditation. According to the teachings of Mahayana Buddhism the four or five Jinas Amitabha, Ratnasambhava, Amoghasiddhi, Akshobya and Samantabhadra are manifestations of the Buddha Gautama who is venerated as the highest being Vairocana. For these reasons, the Jinas are not different in appearance, they can only be distinguished by the position of their hands or mudras. They represent different stages in the life of the Buddha, are related to the points of the compass, to certain colours and to certain parts of the human body. Each of them represents a stage in meditation.
Acquisition: Transfer from another museum in 1913.
Owner: State Property, Germany
Museum: State Museum of Ethnology, Munich, Bavaria
Credit line: State Museum of Ethnology, Munich, Germany
Why this is a masterpiece:
Although the Jinas of Borobudur can only be distinguished by the position of their hands (mudras), they were made by different sculptors and their faces have slightly different expressions. This one exudes tranquility and peace and is one of the most beautiful Jinas known (according to the curator’s opinion).
History of the Object:
After the rediscovery of Borobudur by Sir Stamford Raffles in 1814, the Jina head was collected by the German Professor Caspar Georg Carl Reinwardt, the founder of the famous Botanical Garden in Bogor, during his travels in Java between 1816 and 1822. Dr. Johann Georg Wagler from Munich, who travelled to Leiden in 1825, met Prof. Reinwardt, acquired the Jina head and gave it to King Ludwig I. of Bavaria as a gift in 1826. After being part of the private collection of King Ludwig I. it was included in the collection of the Glyptothek (built between 1816 and 1830). In 1913 it was transferred to the Royal Ethnographic Collection which later became the State Museum of Ethnology Munich.


Jenis : Arca Emas
Era : Abad Ke-9, Kerajaan MATARAM KUNO
Asal : Jawa Tengah
Material : Emas
Koleksi :
421 North Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA – USA
Keterangan Gallery :
Indonesian Gold Sculpture of a Deity – CK.0165
Origin: Indonesia
Circa: 900 AD to 1300 AD
Dimensions: 7.25″ (18.4cm) high x 2″ (5.1cm) wide
Collection: Asian Art
Medium: Gold
Like much of Southeast Asia, the island of Java (today a part of the archipelago nation of Indonesia) has historically been highly influenced by Indian civilization. The religions of Hinduism and Buddhism, both originating from the subcontinent, were the vehicles through which Indian culture spread across Java and the greater archipelago region. However, due to its location near the strategic Straights of Malacca, one of the most important maritime routes in the world, Java was also exposed to many other cultural influences. As Buddhism began to spread in China, Chinese pilgrims would often stop in Java en route to the holy sites in India. Like other cultures exposed to foreign influences, the Javanese did not practice wholesale assimilation, but instead opted to pick and choose certain elements that appealed to their tastes, incorporating them into their own culture, while altogether ignoring other aspects.
Before the spread of Islam into the archipelago beginning in the 13th century and the rise of various Muslim states in the following centuries, Hinduism and Buddhism flourished in Java and beyond. Even after the majority of Java converted to Islam, certain Hindu customs and beliefs persisted among the greater population. While Hinduism and Buddhism share several similarities, the type practiced in Java was syncretic, combining certain features with native traditions. Hindu and Buddhist maritime kingdoms began to emerge on the archipelago at the end of the first millennium. Srivijaya was perhaps the most dominant. Although based in Sumatra, the Srivijaya Kingdom was allied with the Buddhist Saliendra Dynasty (the builders of Borobudur, the largest Buddhist structure in the world) who controlled Java. As the power of the Saliendras began to wane, a rival Indianized kingdom began to take over. Known as the Matarams, from their base in Central Java, this kingdom quickly rose to prominence, becoming a serious rival to Srivijaya hegemony. – (CK.0165)


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